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SŪRYA: Inner Light


This book on the deity Sūrya-Savitṛ complements the books on deities such as Agni, Indra, Soma, Gaṇapati, Brahmaṇaspati, Rudra etc. Sūrya is both the highest light and the highest truth. The physical orb seen in the Sun symbolises the only physical form of Sūrya.

This book on the deity Sūrya-Savitṛ complements the books on deities such as Agni, Indra, Soma, Gaṇapati, Brahmaṇaspati, Rudra etc. Sūrya is both the highest light and the highest truth. The physical orb seen in the Sun symbolises the only physical form of Sūrya.

Chapters 2 and 3 have several mantrās to this deity explaining the variety of his powers.

Sūrya is usually reserved for his passive aspects of Infinite Light. When there is a question of creation, the name Savitṛ is used. Chapter 4 deals with Savitar and the benefits of his working.

It is said that Sūrya nourishes all by merely seeing them. Then how can the presence of suffering among living beings be explained? The thoughts on this topic as related in Rig Veda are in chapter 5.


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SŪRYA: Inner LightSŪRYA: Inner Light